
雷先生 ( 个体经营)



公司名称:雷先生 ( 个体经营)

联 系 人 :雷超 联系电话:13427679417


Alex Solar was founded in 2007 by Shanghai Huayi (HY) Enterprise Group, a company encompassing 10 subsidiaries with a business scope ranging from electrical and piping equipment to solar product manufacturing. Alex Solar is a private company comprised of Shanghai Alex New Energy Co., Ltd and Shanghai Alex Solar Energy Science & Technology Co., Ltd and located in the Fengxian District of Shanghai. Our facilities cover an area of over 200,000 square meters and we have about 2000 employees globally.We are a high-tech enterprise engaged in the research and development, manufacture, sales, and technical support of crystalline silicon solar modules and solar cells, photovoltaic application systems, and other relevant solar products. We currently have a vertically integrated annual production capacity of 600 MW.Our company is expanding rapidly and our focus is on long-term development and growth. We understand that a company must be flexible in uncertain economic times and that is exactly how we strive to be. Our comprehensive and sensible business approach is combined with our product quality and cost efficiency to create innovative win-win solutions with domestic and foreign partners alike. Thus we ensure a stable and continuous relationship with all of our customers.President Mr. Lianwen (Alex) Zhang, together with the whole staff, invite all friends, partners, and guests to visit Shanghai and Alex Solar!

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